Start Small, Think Big
There are many ways you can help...
Supporters of Animal Trust Society are the reason we can do the work we do. Without support from you, we simply could not continue. Whether it is monetary, your time, items of need, your skills, or even sharing our social media content - it all keeps the wheels of ATS spinning.
We don't have fancy pants offices, we do not pay wages and every single dollar/item donated is used directly towards animals and programs.
All monetary donations over $2 are tax deductible. All you have to do is present your donation receipt to your tax accountant each year and hey presto you get to claim it.
A one-off donation is an instant gratification. You are helping right now, covering immediate needs or requests. Donate a little or donate a lot, it all counts.
Want to make a one-off donation as a gift for a loved one, co-worker or friend? It's a selfless gift with massive benefits. The recipient is presented with either a digital gift certificate via email or posted a physical certificate (you choose).
Regular monetary donations keep us ticking over. Your ongoing donations not only assist with veterinary costs and medical supplies, but help us to forecast what we can and can't take on. We also use this cash to purchase items that Care Babes and programs need day to day.
Think: litter, food, flea and worm treatments, etc.
You can also choose to sponsor a particular program that may be close to your heart. Click the link below to choose how you provide sponsorship. You'll see a check box that says "Make This a Monthly Donation" - check that to ensure your sponsorship goes through
GIft a one-off donation

Animal Trust Society is a registered charity with the ACNC and holds tax deductible recipient status. This means any donation over $2 is tax deductible.
ABN: 32 428 837 464
CFN: 23788